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男人之间 正文 第二十六章第九部分(第1页/共2页)



    Jennifer收拾好要带上的东西,等Lulu一醒,一家三口就出发了。冯路开车,一路带着她们浏览南江的建设。Jennifer很兴奋,“a is really ging too mubsp;it’s amazing。 You know what,a strubsp;me as somewhere like a post-war wreck。”(真是今非昔比、日新月异啊,太让我惊讶了。你知道嘛,以前给我的印象就像战乱后满目疮痍的大地。)

    冯路感慨道:“Yes, a is no longer the way you imagined, some plabsp;even better than he States。 Last time meeting my school fellows in L。A。, I found it’s just like a slum somewhere on the metro line between the downtown and Long Beabsp;where the blabsp;people live in an abyss of misery。”(是啊,如今不再是你们想象中的样子了,甚至很多地方已超过了。上次去洛杉矶见我的同学,我发现市中心到长岛的那段地铁沿线上到处都是贫民窟,那里的黑人生活得水深火热。)

    Jennifer知道冯路在逞强,不惜以己之长度他人之短,便说:“Well,it’s well known that a has been developed, no one would ignore it。Actually I am also proud of what a has achieved in all aspects。 After all,  my boyfriend is a ese。”(的确,已经跻身于发达国家之列,这是众所周知的事实,没人可忽略的。老实说,我也为取得的成就感到骄傲,毕竟我的男朋友是人嘛。)

    “It’s golden saying, but we also need to fabsp;the problems with us, building up a harmony。”(金玉良言,不过,我们也需要正视自己的问题,营造和谐环境。)

    “You said it。”(这话可是你自己说的。)Jennifer嘲讽道。“I am getting to know ese bsp;criticize themselves, not being rowed by anyone else。 Is that your heritage, isn’t it?”(我现在是越来越明白,人可以自我批评,但不接受忠言逆耳。这是不是你们的传统文化?)

    “It’s sort of like that, we are usually keen to pibsp;up on our own, not by the others。”(有点这么回事,我们有时的确刚愎自用,不太爱接受他人的意见。)

    “o wonder you are often self-righteous。”(难怪你们总是自以为是,一意孤行。)“I seem to tell the president of nited States not to challenge a if he really wants to be on good terms with them, just letting them go with themselves。”(看来我得告诉总统,如果他想和和睦相处,就不要指手划脚,任凭他们讳疾忌医好了。)Jennifer说完,自己也笑了。

    冯路自然听得出这弦外之音,笑着攥起拳头做了一个‘当心点’的手势,“ Alluding to me。”(你是指桑骂槐。)

    车子接近市区,人潮汹涌,到处是红绿灯,甚至很小的路口,车子也要停个老半天,车辆几乎在爬行。更糟糕的是,不少过街的行人根本不理会红绿灯,驾驶员对斑马线也熟视无睹。Jennifer直摇头,实在不理解。她看了看冯路,揶揄道:“It’s quite busy, bustling with life。” (真是车水马龙,川流不息啊。)

    “eically, a is still a developing try, people kind of numb with civilization, sometimes, having to be forbsp;for that。 hat’s why we are not yet able to b